Amazing Madame Midnight
Fireraisers is kindling a new show!
Fuelled by the success of Femme Fatale and Light Up Lewes! Fireraisers is embarking on a new project: Amazing Madame Midnight.
Dare to venture in to the dark woods and let Madame Midnight tell your fortune! This exploration of how we navigate the future will ultimately be a fantastical outdoor treasure hunt.
We're right at the start of developing the show and we'd love you to come on the journey with us. So we've teamed up with 64 Million Artists, 'the everyday creativity people', to bring you a FREE Zoom experience.
Through fun creative challenges, participants will travel back in time, explore the things they value in the present and conjure their ideal futures. Facilitated by Quest Master Chris Rolls, an intrepid group of households will follow the mysterious Madame Midnight...
We’re inviting up to 16 households to take part in this two hour online experience, which is suitable for 11yrs+. You can take part as an individual or a team - as long as you can all fit on one screen. All you'll need is yourselves, a few simple materials such as scrap paper and coloured pens… and a sense of adventure!
If you're curious as to how a show is made, or want to kick start your creativity - or just have a fun evening doing something a bit different - it would be great to see you on the 25th. Book your FREE ticket here